Getting Started with Course Selection

Student Information

In selecting a programme of study you need to consider:

  • Your interests and abilities.

  • Which subjects do you enjoy the most?

  • The skills you have and would like to develop.

  • Your future career interests.

Any subject requirements (prerequisites) at the next level.

As you plan your course and choose your subjects, check:

  • The level at which the subject stops.
  • The number of credits generated by each subject.
  • Whether or not the subject is an approved subject (for University Entrance).  
  • The total subject course cost eg. Art, Food Technology.
  • That this subject equips you with the skills, knowledge and understanding you need to enter your chosen career path.


  • What subjects, grades, and credits are needed for entry to the University/course you are interested in attending?

  • That you have the flexibility to change your course design if your career goals change.

  • The combined number of days out of school (trips) for all subjects.

Do not select subjects for the wrong reasons, such as: 

  • You like or dislike a teacher

  • You have a friend in the class

  • You think it’s a boy’s/girl’s subject

  • You think it might be too difficult

  • You don’t have anything else to do

  • You think it will be an easy subject

NCEA Information

NCEA Co-Requisite

From 2024 onwards students must obtain 10 Literacy credits and 10 Numeracy credits before their NCEA Certificates will qualify. 

Literacy and numeracy can be gained in two ways:

  1. Through the Co-requisite Assessment (a stand-alone test) aimed at Levels 4 and 5 of the curriculum. (Two opportunities - March & September.

  2. Through ‘tagged’ Level 1 Achievement Standards in 2025.

The Co-Requisite Assessment is the preferred method of obtaining Literacy and Numeracy. All students will be invited to participate in this assessment when appropriate for them.

Level 1 Certificate Requirements

  • To gain a Level 1 NCEA certificate students must obtain 60 credits. 

  • To gain Literacy students must obtain 20 literacy & numeracy credits.

  • Credits are gained by obtaining Achievement Standards / Unit Standards in each subject. 

Students at Orewa College must take English and Maths at Level 1. 

Level 2 Certificate Requirements

  • To gain a Level 2 NCEA certificate students must obtain 60 credits plus 20 co-requisite; literacy and numeracy credits.
  • To gain University Entrance Literacy students must obtain 5 Reading credits and 5 Writing credits from the relevant Level 2 or 3 standards.
  • Credits are gained by obtaining Achievement Standards / Unit Standards in each subject. 

Students at Orewa College must select English course at Level 2. 

Level 3 Certificate Requirements

  • To gain a Level 3 NCEA certificate students must obtain 60 credits plus 20 co-requisite; literacy and numeracy credits. 

  • To gain University Entrance Literacy students must obtain 5 Reading credits and 5 Writing Credits from the relevant Level 2 or 3 standards.

  • To gain University Entrance students must gain 3 x 14 credits from university-approved subjects

Credits are gained by obtaining Achievement Standards / Unit Standards in each subject.


Course Information

Courses will only be provided if there are sufficient student enrolments.  If necessary, related courses will be combined to form a suitable class size.

Orewa College will endeavour to accommodate student subject choices.  It will develop a timetable structure that best meets the requirements of the greatest possible number of students. 

Multi-level study is an essential component of the college curriculum.  Students may study at any of the different levels, however, any student wishing to study at a higher level must have the approval of the appropriate Head of Department.


There are no prerequisites at any level. 

It is preferred that students have some prior experience or knowledge of a chosen subject when choosing a specialist subject for Level 2 or 3.

A student that selects a subject at Level 2 or 3 without prior experience or knowledge of that subject may be required to explain their motivations for selecting that course.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are prepared to undertake a course of study.

Health & Safety Information

Technology Subjects: Clean H&S record, covered shoes, follow machine and room safety protocols, and personal protective equipment as required.

Physical Education:  Students must have a complete change of clothes and be prepared for practical lessons.

Sciences:  Students must have covered shoes when in laboratories.

Course Costs

Some subjects require students to pay material fees. These fees vary from subject to subject.  

Some subjects have field trips as part of their course and students should be prepared to participate and pay the appropriate trip costs.  Alternative programmes will be provided for students unable to undertake field trips because of cost.  

All subject material fees or arrangements for payment must be made at the beginning of the course. These subject fees must be paid in full if you want to progress to the next level in that subject.

Once a student is enrolled in a course, the course fee is due.  Any refund that may be due will need to be applied for.

Additional Resources

Find out as much information as you can about NCEA courses, the requirements for NCEA at each level, University Entrance requirements, approved subjects, careers, etc. by:

Who can you talk to for advice?

  • Parents and caregivers
  • Teachers
  • School Deans
  • The school's careers team