Level 1 Science : Physics Module (Semester Course)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs M. Asplet-Tagg.

  • Practical investigations and hands-on learning
  • Model building and refining
  • A variety of inquiry approaches to gain an understanding of the world around us

All L1 Science courses allow students to build the skills needed to access the science they are surrounded by daily in their own lives and in their local communities. Through a variety of hands-on learning, practical investigations, modelling, research and firsthand observations students will develop an understanding of the big ideas in Physics. As much as possible students will be encouraged to select topics and options that inspire and engage them as the course progresses.

An idea of content that may be covered is investigating the different physics concepts of forces, and energy in the form of heat as explored by Māori through the cooking of food, the building of waka, and whare design, and learning the importance of using physics principles and conventions to explain observations in their everyday lives.

Please note that although this module will have a focus on Physics a variety of skills and key concepts from other branches of science will be covered. Each module will have some aspect of preparation for all L2 science courses and work to support co-requisites in literacy and numeracy.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Course Cost - $12 (Scipad workbook and Online Platform)
